Custom Turret Systems labels were designed to be a cheaper alternative to the high cost of laser engraved turrets. When you make a purchase on CTS’s site you receive four identical labels. If you purchase a second set of labels for a different shooting condition you can switch labels back and forth up to four times. With laser engraved turrets if you change your load, your expensive turret is then useless. With CTS you can change your load three times and it’s usually cheaper than one laser engraved turret. The labels are almost as durable as the laser engraved turrets. They are waterproof, scratchproof, UV resistant, and freezable. If you have a less popular scope you may not even have the option of putting a drop compensating laser engraved turret on there. With CTS if your scope has a large enough vertical surface, and you have all of the appropriate measurements and scope info you can usually print out an accurate label for it.