Lightning comes quick and can be deadly
Lightning comes quick and can be deadly when you’re out on the hunt. Here’s how to make sure you stay safe:
Tips for spring turkey season
Are you ready for spring turkey hunting season?
Here are the best hunting rifles of 2015
Getting ready for an upcoming hunting season? Check out the best new rifles on the market!
Hunters-gatherers had great teeth
Hunters-gatherers had great teeth! Here’s why:
What will I do without deer hunting?!?
Be it prepping for next year or playing video games, you got to something until the deer season starts again.
Connection between hunting and a peaceful mind
Research supports a connection between hunting and stress relief.
Gifts your hunter can actually use
Have a hunter in your life that’s hard to shop for? Here are some great gift suggestions!
Cold-weather gear imperative for safety and success
Cold-weather hunting gear is imperative for safety and success.
The art of cooking dove
Great recipes for dove hunters!
Lady big game hunters get bashed. But why?!
Lady big game hunters get bashed. But why?!
Tree stands are dangerous, so pay attention!
Tree stands are dangerous, so pay attention when you’re hunting!